Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Talking Stomachs

You know those times when people say they are so hungry it's like their stomach is talking to them.

Weird moment...but mine actually spoke english instead of gibberish.

Crazy right?

I've eaten like what...5 times today and I am still hungry? oh pms, why must you bug me?

oh's vital to life. mmm okay I can deal with that.

but what I can't understand is how my stomach actually uttered the word "ew" at me. It's like it hates me for feeding it a chocolate covered chocolate chip granola bar. How can that be ew?

This puzzles me.
I have been hungry non stop for the past two days and eating only gets rid of the problem for like 2 hours max. oh pms....this is all your nonsensical doing! just let me feel full!

this utterly random and completely stupid blog post was brought to you by the letter D.
D as in dog. D-O-G....very good!

people, this isn't sesame street, I expect you to know how to spell dog...because if you can't than I have no idea how you are even reading this right now.

p.s. this post will probably not make any sense at all if I re-read it tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You may, like me, have hypoglicima(sp?). That is one of my symptons. I feel full then about five to ten minutes later i am starving. usually it is because i have eaten to many carbos. Eat some peanutbutter and protein


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