Friday, January 25, 2013

The Creative Bug

When I get the creative bug, I just always have this huge urge to go all out in whatever it is that I want to do.
Sometimes it's blogging (which is becoming more rare nowadays), sometimes it's making a food I've never made before.
But mostly...

It's making videos. I know some you have seen my videos before, and I know they aren't anything to rave about. BUT....I want my videos to become that way someday. You see, if I had the proper equipment, you can bet your bottom dollar I would probably drop out of school (which is no good) because I would spend all my days documenting the "cool" things I would be doing. Oh yeah, I would be super stylish looking with my hair in a high sock bun while wearing a cute baggy shirt, leggings, and combat boots (the cute ones) if I could pull them off. 

That's the dream. 
To travel to places I've never been and make amazing videos for the world to rave about.
I have a couple video projects stored in my mind right now, and as soon as I get my hands on the camera I am currently desiring, I will get to work.  And then I will share with you.

My Inspirations:

This song really gets my creative juices going

Well, that's all I have time for right now. See ya! :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Come What May and Love It

Sorry I don't blog as much as I used to. This thing used to be a serious outlet of emotions for me. Does anyone even still read my blog?

Anyway, I was asking myself why I don't blog as much anymore. I used to use this thing when I so unbelievably happy that I got a letter in the mail after months and months of nothing...or I would use it to tell you all how hurt I was that waiting for a missionary is a lot harder than it looks. Lots of the times I would write the blog posts listening to depressing music and bawling my eyes out that my dream prince had just abandoned me and another one would never come along.  lol hahaha!

I'm happy :). It's been a tough few years. I used to dream of the day when all the hurt from everything missionary related and not would just disappear. Because there was more than just missionary stuff going on. I would daydream that I would be laughing with the one I love..whoever that would be. Of course most of it would be in slow motion, because my daydreams are dramatic like that. I would just sit and think for hours that one day...I would get my reward, because I knew that God wouldn't take something away without replacing it with something better. Even though it was hard to comprehend in the hard times, I knew I still had to trust Him.

"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude." -Joseph B. Wirthlin

When I was going through that rough patch, I just knew it somehow that I would be compensated for my so-called loss. I love that quote by Elder Wirthlin.
I've been compensated for, and all I can feel is gratitude..and whoops there goes the tears. Except these are happy tears.

I always heard that He replaces it with something better, but returning it a hundredfold?! I did not know that. And that is why I started crying a couple sentences ago. And the fact that I am always so grateful that my life is the way that it is now...dang..of course I am crying.

Also, I love getting reconfirmations.Though I don't get them when I expect or want them...I get them when I need them...and I definitely needed one tonight. Stephen went back to Sandy tonight and I won't get to see him until next weekend, so I was feeling a little sad. Plus, I came back to my apartment to a filthy kitchen and spent 2 hours cleaning it so I was feeling upset as well.

I have learned that "Come What May and Love It" is a true principle. How could it not be? The Lord knows me personally and he knows what I need. He listens to me, and the deepest desires of my heart are always on His mind.

Big events are going to start occurring in my life. They seem mighty exciting to me.

I am so over blogging right now. Until next time!