Thursday, February 23, 2012

dear boys 1

I saw this on my friend Ashley's blog, who got it from someone else's blog.

It's called "dear boys" and you write short little notes to boys.
So here it goes!

dear apparently in a relationship,

I guess it was wrong of me to just assume you were single.
I'm sorry.
I don't get why you want to talk about it...I feel like there is nothing to discuss.
But I wouldn't be opposed to it. :)

dear great and wonderful you,

You have been through so much in your life. You don't even have to tell me for me to understand that. It's all made you a better person. I didn't know you before you changed, but I know how much you have become strengthened as a spiritual and physical individual. You are awesome. Thanks for being there for me and just simply being a good friend. :)

dear silly,

You are silly. And you make class that much better. I just don't like you like I did a few weeks ago. It's moved more into just friends. I honestly am totally okay with that because I feel like our lives wouldn't really mesh that well, even though we do get along quite nicely.

dear dumb,

Stop being so dumb towards my friend. She just wants a clear answer from you. Stop confusing her.

dear whale,

Thank you for everything. Really. I just hope things aren't awkward now. I sure hope not. I still want to be able to talk to you as friends. Who cares about our history? I don't anymore. Go out there and find your eternal companion. At night I sometimes lay in bed and feel worthless and that no one loves me...and remember that you are the only one who has. It's just hard to remember that I am alone, even though I never imagined I would be still. Thanks for always treating me with respect.

dear pennsylvania,

I enjoy our chance to talk each week. I like how we can talk about ANYTHING! You somehow tolerate my incessant rantings on boys. I am so proud of you and all the work that you are doing. You will be home this year!  Keep on keepin on.

well that's it for today. helped release a little bit of confusion in my life right now. time for english class. yuck.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Oh hi.

Oh hi. :)

I am a beautiful, fun, and loving daughter of my Heavenly Father. I am 20 years young and enjoying opportunities as they come to me. I am in love with the life God has given me. I have been blessed with quite the witty mind. I use vocabulary like dapper and dashing. I would rather sit in the library than in my apartment (although somedays I do prefer the opposite). I listen to Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble. I love the friendships with my friends and being friendly towards people who I barely know. I love going to church each Sunday. I am grateful for the opportunity to be at school.

Since coming down here to school, I have noticed the plethora of attractive men. I have some news for you, I am an attractive girl. I guess it shouldn't be news though because I know I am pretty. Totally being humble by the way.. How can I not be grateful for the face my Heavenly Father has given me? But anyway, yes there is an exorbiant amount of attractiveness down here, and I just have one thing to say to you:

You should get to know me. I am quite exquisite. :) 
(exquisite in a good way)

You should call me sometime. I would like that.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

3 Misconceptions Of Who I Am

This topic is just something that tends to make me feel a little invalid. But it's time I let it go.
There are misconceptions about the person I am. And it's not that they are bad misconceptions or anything. Just common misconceptions that sometimes get on my nerves. So how about a list? Lists are easy to read. Oh, please also note that I was not upset while writing it. So don't think of it in that tone.

#1- I am quiet.

Please...for goodness have no idea how often people think this of me. I'm not quiet, its just a matter of whether I want to open up to you or not. I do have my quiet times of course. But who doesn't? There are days or moments of a day where I just sit in pure peace with just myself and my thoughts. It helps me know more of myself and how I am doing in this life. I think before I speak. Always. I think before I act. Always. I know who I am and what I stand for. Always. If I am being quiet...I am concentrating and thinking. When was that ever something that someone should be judged on?

#2- I am perfect.

I don't know what it is about me that just makes everyone around think that I am this perfect person. Not the good way perfect...but the perfect with the bad connotation attached (if that makes sense). I AM NOT PERFECT! I have made some mistakes that I only regret because they were wrong. But I don't regret learning from the mistakes. Without those mistakes I learned from I wouldn't be who I am today. People have always seen me as this person who is so strict with herself. I am only strict with myself when I need to be. It's called self-control and its only easy because I have practiced it long enough. I know what my morals are and I know what I need to do to keep myself safe. So why would I go against that? That would be just setting myself up. I don't put my morals in compromising situations. That's sketchy...especially since I know what is right.

#3- I act like a perfect little mormon girl

I don't know why this apparently has such a harsh connotation to go along with it. This kind of goes along with #2. I know I am not perfect. I do however, try my best to do what I know is right. I go to church every Sunday because I love it. I used to be inactive. Heck, if I was perfect why would I go to church? There wouldn't be a need to.

Look, I know what I stand for. I know who I am. I try my best everyday. If you really got to know me you would just see that I am a normal person. I've always been kind of solitaire in my life,  but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy being around people and getting to know them. I'm not going to try if you aren't.

I do what I do because I know why I am doing it. THE END.