Wednesday, February 8, 2012

3 Misconceptions Of Who I Am

This topic is just something that tends to make me feel a little invalid. But it's time I let it go.
There are misconceptions about the person I am. And it's not that they are bad misconceptions or anything. Just common misconceptions that sometimes get on my nerves. So how about a list? Lists are easy to read. Oh, please also note that I was not upset while writing it. So don't think of it in that tone.

#1- I am quiet.

Please...for goodness have no idea how often people think this of me. I'm not quiet, its just a matter of whether I want to open up to you or not. I do have my quiet times of course. But who doesn't? There are days or moments of a day where I just sit in pure peace with just myself and my thoughts. It helps me know more of myself and how I am doing in this life. I think before I speak. Always. I think before I act. Always. I know who I am and what I stand for. Always. If I am being quiet...I am concentrating and thinking. When was that ever something that someone should be judged on?

#2- I am perfect.

I don't know what it is about me that just makes everyone around think that I am this perfect person. Not the good way perfect...but the perfect with the bad connotation attached (if that makes sense). I AM NOT PERFECT! I have made some mistakes that I only regret because they were wrong. But I don't regret learning from the mistakes. Without those mistakes I learned from I wouldn't be who I am today. People have always seen me as this person who is so strict with herself. I am only strict with myself when I need to be. It's called self-control and its only easy because I have practiced it long enough. I know what my morals are and I know what I need to do to keep myself safe. So why would I go against that? That would be just setting myself up. I don't put my morals in compromising situations. That's sketchy...especially since I know what is right.

#3- I act like a perfect little mormon girl

I don't know why this apparently has such a harsh connotation to go along with it. This kind of goes along with #2. I know I am not perfect. I do however, try my best to do what I know is right. I go to church every Sunday because I love it. I used to be inactive. Heck, if I was perfect why would I go to church? There wouldn't be a need to.

Look, I know what I stand for. I know who I am. I try my best everyday. If you really got to know me you would just see that I am a normal person. I've always been kind of solitaire in my life,  but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy being around people and getting to know them. I'm not going to try if you aren't.

I do what I do because I know why I am doing it. THE END.

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