Saturday, January 21, 2012


Listen to this song as you read. It helps set the mood. :)

The Atonement is something we tend to take for granted. We live mundane day to day lives. We hurt, we get angry, we chastise, and we distort. We treat the Atonement like it's a new toy we open up on Christmas day. We love it, its exciting, its exactly what we wanted; but forget about it by New Years. The Atonement is a never ending gift. No matter what we've done, we can be forgiven. Just simply because He died for us. That is love. A love I don't believe we will ever fully understand as mortals.
Each week at church, do we really listen to the Sacrament prayers? Do we think about what it symbolizes? 
Sometimes I feel it becomes just a habit. But a habit is something you do automatically. It shouldn't be something that just happens in our life each week without thinking about it as we partake of it or throughout the week. It should be on our minds all week.

It doesn't matter if you think you aren't worthy, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. He loves you like no one else does. His love never stops when you do something wrong. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you. He will never judge you. He didn't just die for our sins, he died for US!

I have come to know that the Atonement isn't just to redeem our sins. It's for all that we are.  Without it, I would still be experiencing heartache and I would still be bitter. I could not have gotten through that without Him. Because I trusted Him, and because I love him, I put my trust in him (just as He asks us to). I came out of it so much stronger than I ever could have imagined. It was the perfect way to end what seemed like such a dreadfully difficult time. 

The Atonement brings comfort, peace, and joy. All you have to do is use it. Its there 24/7. 

I have felt His strength surround me with calming peace. I was at my low point, still trying to be positive. I uttered out the most humble prayer I have ever said in my life. I told him I was having a hard time and I asked him for a hug. It wasn't like I was really expecting him to come down and wrap his arms around me, but he did. I couldn't see him, but I felt him. I was laying in my Heavenly Father's lap (on the bathroom floor) just crying and crying and I felt the warmth. I could have sworn there was actually a physical body holding me. I don't know how to describe it any other way than that. There was so much power in that moment. And to think, all I had to do was ask. For that one moment, I was in Heaven. And when that moment had passed I knew what I needed to do. So I did it, and I am still doing it. Honestly, I am still amazed it happened and its a little hard for me to still believe but I never thought I could actually feel a hug from my Heavenly Father. He loves me that much. He knew what I needed at that exact moment, and he gave it to me. No questions asked.
Also after that moment had passed, I realized what the Atonement was really about. US! It's about us! :) I always believed before...but never more than I do now! My faith and testimony have been increased immensely. 

I am a daughter of a King. I am of royal and noble birth. 


  1. Thank you so much for this. It was beautiful :) And I love the song as well. Your blog is cute, and you are beautiful my darling! Love you :)

    1. Thanks Ashley! Love you too! Miss you a bunch. :)

  2. Alix this made me tear up a bit! is it weird to say that this is EXACTLY what i needed to hear? thank youu <3

  3. Not weird at all Shailyn.I just kind of got this feeling to share my experience with the Atonement, and it ended up helping you out. Inspired? I think yes!
    I miss you girl! It's been years...


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