Monday, December 3, 2012


 Love is pure.
Never selfish.
Never prideful.
You give it your all.
You give it freely.
While expecting nothing in return.

I don't know if anyone considers this mushy or gushy..but I don't care...

I love the one I am with!
He makes me happy.
Oh so very happy.

Monday, November 5, 2012

I don't get it.

I am taking a break form multiplying radicals to let you all know that I am frustrated! Yeah, I haven't blogged in a long time and was waiting for the perfect moment to write a new post. Well, there couldn't be a more perfect time than now. I am so frustrated. Though I wish there could have been another perfect time, I guess this is the one I drew from the hat.

Why am I frustrated? Oh ya know..starving college student who can't afford next semester's rent, textbooks, or food, and has been searching from a job since day -14ish. That's right! I've been looking for a job since before this school semester started. I've applied at who knows how many places. I've only gotten two interviews out of that. Which I don't really understand. I've had two jobs since I turned 16. One I had for just over 4 years and the other one for just over a year. I even had two jobs at once for a period of time. I'm very good at scheduling my time and I am a quick learner. But yet, somehow this isn't good enough to clean bathrooms or be a teacher's assistant. Which I do not even begin to slightly understand.

Maybe it's just me, but I thought it took qualifications and experience to get a job. I thought that the whole point of college was to obtain education in order to find a job. If I can't even get some dinky little job grading student's papers using a grading key, or better yet, cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming buildings than why I am continuing this endeavor? Is college not centered towards education for work? Seems more bureaucratic to me than anything else.

I am at a loss for patience with this. Where's the jobs Obama "created"? What use is my education being put to? I know I am still going to be unemployed at the end of my schooling because all the under qualified people get the job I am qualified for. I work hard. I do what needs to be done. I will not go into debt for my education. I need a job to pay for housing, tuition, books, and food! I am always searching for a job in the small less than 1% chance that I might actually find one.

Now, back to solving my radicals in miniscule hope that this might actually benefit me one day.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Always Try!

I am not perfect.
But I try my best.

I am not perfect.
But I am a child of God.

Also, just some cool things that I have written down the past few days:

-The Holy Ghost has blessed my life by giving simple instructions as to what things in my life I need to fix. The Holy Ghost keeps me away from the temptation of sin as long as I follow the promptings.

-We never stop needing the spirit of the Holy Ghost!

-"Christ cames to save us. If we have taken a wrong course, the Atonement of Jesus Christ can gives up the assurance that sin is not a point of no return. A safe return is possible if we will follow God's plan for our salvation." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

-Always try to recognize the miracles in your life.

-We live in the house we build. Build on a rock!

-We don't gain our testimony all at once.

-You learn spiritually through obedience.

-The repentance process is less of a checklist and more of a transformation of a person.

-Sometimes He [Heavenly Father] lets us take the hit so we can see our strengths.

-Obedience requires faith.

-When you take the first step on the road, you also choose the last step.

-If it ceases to be an option, it ceases to be a temptation.

-The more our knowledge increases the more our choices are set on the right path.

-Satan never offers you anything that ends up being okay.

-You can make a decision, but you can't decide the consequence.

-There is a price to be paid for success.

-Joy is amplified happiness.

-A testimony is powerful and can change the lives of others.

-Heavenly Father never takes away your ability to have faith.

-Meaningful scripture study allows for change.

-Not going through the motions, but letting them go through us.

Those are pretty much my favorite tidbits from my spiritual journal. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! :)

Again, I'm not perfect...far from it, but that doesn't mean I stop trying.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Great things come from effort. If you don't believe me, stop any effort you are putting into something and see if you get anything out of it. You won't. Well, you won't if it's something worth having.

"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential." -Winston Churchill

We put effort into our jobs so we can earn money for things we need. Without the money earned from our effort, we would be unable to purchase food, clothing, and shelter.

We put effort into our relationships with those around us most often. Without the effort, it would be hard to keep a friendship.

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit." -Napoleon Hill

Effort is a choice. We can't just expect effort to come before us. We have to work for it....yes, we must even make an effort for effort itself. (I hope you get that, because it's late at night as I'm writing this!)

What does effort require?

(in no particular order)

1.  Patience with yourself: It's hard I know. But you have to give yourself some time! Keep believing in yourself. A little patience can be the difference between success and failure, and I know which one you prefer. ;)

2.  Faith: Faith just isn't a matter of spirituality or religion. It also involves having hope in things yet to be. Have faith that whatever you are putting your effort into WILL BE WORTH IT. Otherwise...why would you bother putting any effort in at all?
3.  Positive Attitude: If you are unhappy, regarding the thing you are putting effort into, then perhaps you should assess if this is really worth it to you. But before you decide to give up completely, ask yourself: Are you putting in less effort, yet expecting more? Or are you putting in too much effort and not getting anything in return? But honestly try your best to be happy. Are other factors in your life making you feel unhappy about this? Because, you know, you could just be being moody after all. ;)

Like I told someone very dear to me:

"Don't be afraid to give yourself everything you've ever wanted and refuse to give yourself nothing but the best."

And what does that take? EFFORT!!

YES...I just quoted myself using the big bold words.

Friday, August 10, 2012

92 Stuffs About Me

The other day at work while I was mopping the floor I thought: "Hey, I should make an about me blog post. Because people just LOVE to read about me." Obviously that last sentence was sarcastic. But I didn't feel like making a list. So I decided to do one of those facebook "92 truths about me" post. You know, because I'm cool, and you want to know about me and stuff.

92 Truths

NAME: Alix
AGE: 20 (21 in 7 days!)
BIRTHDATE: August 25


1. last beverage = water
2. last phone call = Stephen 
3. last text message = Stephen (on our ipod Pair app we share together)
4. last song you listened to = Roll Away Your Stone -Mumford and Sons
5. last time you cried = sometime recently. 

6. dated someone twice = yeah. as in going on a date with them twice. Not as in, dating an ex again.  (NO!)
7. been cheated on = Not that I know of.
8. kissed someone & regretted it? Nope. Not this "someone"
9. lost someone special = nope.
10. been depressed = there was this one time where it was really bad for like a week. but breaking up does that to people. at least to me.
11. been drunk and threw up = NEVER EVER EVER EVER!


12. blue
13. gray
14. coral


15. Made a new friend = Lots!
16. Fallen out of love = HECK TO FREAKIN YES! And thank goodness too!
17. Laughed until you cried = just yesterday actually.
18. Met someone who changed you = nope.
19. Found out who your true friends were = I already knew most of them didn't care anyway. But that doesn't mean we still aren't friends at all.
20. Found out someone was talking about you = duh.
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = indeed.


22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = Most of them. But with the other ones, we talk occasionally.
24. Do you have any pets = Cooper.
25. Do you want to change your name = no. and I never understood why people do that. Even with spellings.
26. What did you do for your last birthday = nothing. it's pretty standard for me to have no plans that day.
27. What time did you wake up today = 9:03 i think it was. but maybe it was 9:04..can't remember. ;)
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = facebook
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = DISNEYLAND!!! :)
 30. Last time you saw your Mother = a few hours ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = umm wow...I am not telling.
32. What are you listening to right now = me typing on the keyboard, and the computer noises.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = Yeah. Probably at work.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = all the issues with school.
35. Most visited webpage = facebook.
37. Nickname = don't really have one.
38. Relationship Status = In a relationship. :)
39. Zodiac sign = virgo
40. He or She = she
41. Elementary =  west elementary school
42. High School = tooele high school
43. College = snow college
44. Hair color = blonde..but i dyed it light brown.
45. Long or short= usually longer ish.
46. Height = 5'2"
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = well it's more than a crush! that's better! :)
48. What do you like about yourself? =  that i try my hardest to be optimistic
49. Piercings = ears. but they close up.
50. Tattoos = NEVER! That's grody.
51. Righty or lefty= Right.


52. First surgery= first and only would be wisdom teeth.
53. First piercing = ears
54. First best friend = her name is emily. Can't remember the last name.
56. First vacation = DISNEYLAND! (duh!)
58. First pair of trainers = what the heck?


59. Eating = nothing
60. Drinking = nothing
61. I'm about to =  either play zoo tycoon...or watch What I Like About You
62. Listening to = didn't I already answer this? Yes!
63. Waiting for = a lot of things.


64. Want kids? = I'm sure I will feel like I should one day.
65. Get Married? = YES!
66. Career? = It would be nice.


67. Lips or eyes = eyes
68. Hugs or kisses = both. but hugs are more comforting.
69. Shorter or taller = taller
70. Older or Younger = older than me.
71. Romantic or spontaneous = romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = problem solved. lol haaa Stephen..
73. Sensitive or loud = not too much of either
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant. 


76. Kissed a stranger = never
77. Drank hard liquor =  never
78. Lost glasses/contacts = yeah
79. Sex on first date = never
80. Broke someone's heart = highly doubt it
81. Had your own heart broken = ouchie yes!
82. Been arrested = nope
83. Turned someone down = yeah
 84. Cried when someone died = not anyone I know of.
85. Fallen for a friend = nope.


86. Yourself =  most of the time
87. Miracles = yeah
88. Love at first sight = No way!
90. Santa Claus = nope.
91. Kiss on the first date = nope.
92. Angels = yeah

P.S. Why did I do this?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To The Point

This blog post will be very to the point.
I have a few things I want to talk about and in an effort to prevent any long ramblings, I have set a limit to a paragraph for each topic. Should work, right? Well, let's see...

Financial Aid:
It's been a pain the bum to get financial aid this year. You know how it usually is a pain in the bum anyway? Yeah, well multiply that by 5 and add in a case of your dad being a victim of identity theft. It has not been fun being in a constant hassle with the IRS and Snow College all in the name of education. But it's been sorted out, and I am glad. Such a relief! For awhile there I was totally okay with not even going to school. But now that it's been sorted out, I can accept that I should go back to school.

Jewelry:For the life of me, I can't understand women who NEED big flashy jewelry. Some people downright WEAR that stuff like it's the only thing they are wearing. I don't get it. I thought accessories were to add a little flair, not be the entire outfit. The same goes for makeup too. A little goes a long way. But a lot goes in the complete opposite direction.
Also, (yup, I am going into a new paragraph, and no, I'm not stopping this rant) something I will never ever understand is women who downright insist on HUGE engagement rings. Really? Does it matter how much it costed or how many Karats it has? Personally, when I look at a diamond vs. cubic zirconium I cannot tell any difference. I'm not saying they are exactly the same, because obviously they aren't, but seriously, a ring costing big bucks?! It has just never seemed logical to me. So sorry to those who dream of 50 pound weights to make their ring finger strong. My fingers are weak. I've tested it. I bought this ring with a huge turquoise oval. It's fake obviously (because it was only like a dollar, but I can't wear the darn thing for more than a couple hours before it starts to weigh down my finger. I like small jewelry. Nothing flashy, but just enough to notice. Maybe I am just biased against engagement rings though (even though I've never had one. Had to make that disclaimer just so you all don't think I am a ninny who has been engaged 5 times). My mom's already got my diamond for me. It was on her grandma's wedding ring, so yeah, it means a ton. It is from the 1940's (I think is what she said) and is the most perfect little thing that I've ever seen. haha I think it weighs as much as a feather. One last thing about jewelry: Guys wearing jewelry....umm no...unless it's like a dude bracelet or ring. Those are acceptable. Guy necklaces always kind irked me the wrong way.

Cleaning:I applied for a job down at Snow College that would be a custodial job. I really kind of hope I get it. It's 2-3 hours after my classes everyday. That sounds perfect for me! I'm used to working 3 hours everyday, and I know how to clean. But frankly, I would be good with just about any job down there. It'll be the only way I can eat. haha...I will be so poor this semester. No fun for me! haha just kidding, I will have fun...maybe.

Alright, I am done blogging tonight. I'm kind of in the middle of playing Sims. And I need to go to bed at some point. So bye.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Last Week of School

I remember that night.
I remember it well.
I tried to be funny,
but just thought "Oh well".

I have been in poem mode lately! haha!

That poem was about the only blind date I have ever been on. I was compelled to accept the offer my friend had made to set us up after I had done some facebook research.

That night was funny. I was trying so hard to not be obnoxious and I was trying to be as funny as I could, while still keeping it in my normal-ish range.

After the night was over I thought to myself "I haven't been on a date I actually enjoyed in awhile. But he is too cute for me, so I will probably never see him again. There is only a week left of school anyway."

I was willing to just let it all go. What were the odds of ever seeing him again anyway?
Our blind date was a group date..thank goodness (to ease the awkwardness of not knowing one another). But I didn't think I was proficient in how I displayed myself, so I kind of just went "Oh well" after it ended.

To my surprise, he asked me the next day if I would like to go rock climbing.

We've been dating pretty much ever since! :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm Alive.

Oh are you all doing? Not that I really expect you to respond....
But guess what?

I haven't really done a blog post in awhile. Oh sure, I've been posting churchy things up the wazoo....but I haven't actually just done a ramble post in awhile. 
Oh and before I get to far into whatever it is I am going to say (because I honestly have no idea at this point, just figured it was time to blog) I would just like to let you know that my post title is not because I almost died or something. Because I didn't. "I'm Alive" as in, here is a post that is all me.

But...I've been way busy. Boyfriend. Two jobs. Sleeping. That is how my summer has been going...which in other words means fantastically great! I should be able to afford school, if my financial aid goes through...if not, I'm screwed for this year. Which will tick me off because I am already behind. Dad was a victim of ID Theft this year, and that has screwed EVERYTHING up. Yup, including financial aid. So here's hoping the school sees past all that and gives me the full amount even though the deadline passed. We've seriously been trying to work all this out since tax season...and we are still dealing with it. :/ Super frustrating.

My favorite times of this summer have been with Stephen. Duh...of course! ;)

[I am trying to put a picture of us in this space right here...but it keeps going up to the first part of this post....dumb.]

Yeah...I don't know...maybe I've become blogger impaired or something....because I am definitely having a hard time putting this picture where I want it. Okay so now I am putting more pictures in and trying to put them on the sides of the post, because apparently that's all I know how to sort of do. Just kidding...that looked I will just keep the one. With two pictures, it was hiding words. Can't have that on a blog.

Tomorrow is Pioneer Day and will be the 3rd summer in a row that I haven't dedicated my life to band. :D I'm not upset about that at all, even though I never hated band that much.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Child

Don’t worry my child, for I am here with you,
I watch you in all that you do.
I created the heavens and earth all for you,
I know what you were sent here to do.

I created you in my image so you could see what power you possess,
even though you feel like life is a mess. 
My arms are always open wide to your embrace,
just remember it’s not a race.

Don’t worry my child, I know your pain,
I just wish you wouldn’t complain.
For if your trust in me,
I can set you free.

No matter what you have done, remember me,
I’m always there, waiting for your plea.
My child, I will never stop loving you no matter what you do,
So here’s a clue:

Remember me in all your deeds,
and I will fulfill all your needs.
I love you more than you could ever know,
and when you know it your face will glow.

Remember this and you will see my hand in your life,
you can be happy despite your strife.
Fear not my child, for I am here,
With me, all is clear.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cheese Please!

So what if I have been posting lots of Mormon-y videos lately. haha oh my goodness. Some of them are so cheesy I can't help myself! Cheesy yet I started to tear up a bit (emphasis on bit....I wasn't balling).
Cheesy is good. I love cheese.  Favorite dairy product.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Please, I invite all of you to watch these short videos. There are only 3. They are helpful to each and everyone of us. Open your hearts and feel the Spirit of the Lord.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Not A Fairytale

(Oh yeah, I think it should be said that I did not write this in a pessimistic tone of voice at all. I'm quite happy with my life right now. I'm just trying to bring up a point that I've not only observed several times over, but felt it in my own life.) Please read this in a playful yet trying to get a point across tone. It will serve you well if you do so.


I repeat not a fairytale. I would also like to take this opportunity to let you know that if love were a fairytale....our lives would be perfect and we therefore would be living a wasteful life.

Hey! You're crazy Alix. That's what we want our lives to be like.

I fail to see how two imperfect people make a perfect relationship. I doubt the point of relationships is to be perfect in and of itself. Otherwise we wouldn't have to all...way way less than already goes on in lots of relationships. (Not saying everyone's is like that.) We don't have the ability to mind read, and we certainly don't have the strength or agility to slay a dragon to reach the tallest tower to save a damsel in distress. But we do have the ability to open our mouths and say "Hey, I love you, but this really upset me."

The thing is, we want a fairytale. We want everything to be sunshine, magic, and perfect ALL THE TIME! That's what we've come to expect. And as much as I love Disney, they aren't a big help on separating what love actually is and the fairytale. We expect sparks on a first kiss, and if we don't feel them..we start to think something is wrong. NO! I'm are perfectly fine. Don't stress out about it. A kiss should have more meaning than the feeling it gives you in your body. If it doesn't, you shouldn't be doing such a ever...because that is lust...and is sooooo the opposite of what you want.

The expectation: Love like it's shown on the big screen...minus the rated R scenes. That is another topic all by itself.
The reality: Two people who have entered a partnership together to learn more about each other, in hopes of seeing where it goes, while simultaneously learning communication that is equally beneficial for both parties of the relationship that bonds a couple together when used in a way that is respectful.

Really though, do you see a difference when you think about love you see on the movies versus what goes on in your own personal love relationships? Because I sure as heck do.

In a perfect world, sure there could most possibly be fairytales. But a perfect world, takes perfect people...and we, the people of Earth, are anything but that, no matter how awesome or highly we think of ourselves.

Another fairytalisitc quality we find in relationships is the "you complete me" complex. This should not only be ignored, but avoided. Of course your special someone's happiness should be essential to your happiness...but they should in no ways..."complete you." They shouldn't be the one that makes your happiness. You should already be happy, and they should be an awesome double prize. Like that scene in Toy Story when Sid uses the claw and picks Buzz and gets Woody as well...only..relate that to what I am talking about. ;)

We want unicorns and rainbows, and all that glittery stuff in fairytales....but what we fail to realize is it has NOTHING to do with love.

Look up love in your bible dictionary and topical guide....go on....I dare you.

There is one instance in which fairytales and real life match up. Yay! A glimmer of hope for the hopeless fairytale romance I am still clinging onto.

It's overcoming adversity and trials.

By the way, the big bolded underlined text I have throughout this post is not me. It's those of you who are thinking such a thing.

Overcoming adversity and trials gives you strength...and doing it together as a couple does bring about happiness and a stronger foundation...especially if it's done in a humble and respectful manner.

I'll end this post by saying that anything I ever heard or read about love from one of the prophets or twelve apostles is spot on. And yes, I've read many. Spent many hours over several years doing so.

However, and this is not to discount anything I have previously said.... I agree with every word Uchtdorf says in this video. :) doesn't discount anything I've adds to it. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Morning of Light

Occasionally I will feel prompted to watch Mormon Messages videos on Youtube. Usually without even realizing it hours go by. The same has happened today.

Getting lost in pondering thoughts is something I also love spending my time doing. Not only does it help me think of solutions to questions or problems I have, but it also allows me time to reflect on the blessings and tender mercies that have come about in my life.

Count your many blessings! When you take a step back to think about all the blessings you can't help but feel gratitude, even if you only reflect for a small moment. You recognize that things do happen for a reason.

Something I have learned recently is that faith is an action word. When you trust in the Lord, you put your faith in Him. It certainly takes more than just saying it. You have to actively keep that faith in Him. Let me tell you, it is certainly not easy, but it is attainable.

Satan and I are in a constant battle. Sometimes he wins (which I do admit, I am an imperfect person), and sometimes I smack him down so hard! ;) He is always trying to tell me that I'm not good enough. It really bugs the crap out of me. Somedays I take it more to heart than I ever should. He wants me to think that the light in my life is something I shouldn't have. When I have the light, he is trying to take it away from me. And it can be very draining sometimes to try and and keep it. But it really is worth it to keep the light of Christ in my life.

I love this wonderful gospel and all it does for my life.

I remember when I learned the true meaning of the atonement. Believe it or not, it was actually around this time last year that I knew for myself.
When I knew for myself, I knew that atonement wasn't just to cleanse sin. I knew that it would take away heartache, doubt, worry, and other negative things. I knew that because of the atonement, I have the ability to be happy and move forward. :)

I love when I have spiritual moments. They make me happy. :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

#4 + Skate and Lake, and Nigel Thornberry

About 2 weeks ago, I got another suggestion. This would be the fourth one I have received. I'm going to be really short with the answer, because I haven't been in the blogging mood lately.

I want to work for LDS Family Services. That means I will get to counsel with the teachings of the gospel. Did you want a more elaborated answer? I'm sorry...haha I just haven't been in the blogging mood.

Here's a random video to leave you off with...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hinckley says so!

I apologize for not having a video of the Lagoon adventure. Wanna know why? Because we didn't go to Lagoon. The weather sucked. But to ease the pain, here is a short video.

Anyway, I've happened upon some quotes from President Hinckley that are absolutely wonderful. Thought I would share them with you.

“Aim high, but do not aim so high that you totally miss the target. What really matters is that he will love you, that he will respect you, that he will honor you, that he will be absolutely true to you, that he will give you the freedom of expression and let you fly in the development of your own talents. He is not going to be perfect, but if he is kind and thoughtful, if he knows how to work and earn a living, if he is honest and full of faith, the chances are you will not go wrong, that you will be immensely happy.” - Gordon B. Hinckley

"and so, my dear young men, you may not think seriously about it now. But the time will come when you will fall in love. it will occupy all of your thoughts and be the stuff of which your dreams are made. Make yourself worthy of the loveliest girl in all the world." President Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Wish List

When summer ends and school begins, I always complain about how my summer sucked. This year...that is so not happening.


*Dance in an empty parking lot...or learn how to anyway. I can't dance. :/ (I've really dreamed of doing this for such a long would be a bummer to never actually do it.)
*Learn how to rock climb better...which entails going more.
*Go to Snowbird and ride the alpine slide and zip line.
*Make cool videos
*Go to Ensign Peak (I've never gone!)
*Go places I've never gone.
*Go to a waterpark.
*Ice Skating
*Go to the new City Creek Center
*Make dinner with a special guy.
*Save as much money for school as I can.
*Go to Timpanogos Cave
*The Leonardo
*Fall in love (hahaha don't tease me k?)

Let's see how many I can accomplish. :) Here's to summer. Best summer of my life? I hope so...   :)

Update on 06/09/12:

Well, for it only being a month since school ended, I've got quite a bit crossed out. :)

Update on 07/07/12:

It's been just about a month since I updated this list, and I've only accomplished one thing. :/ But I have saved quite a bit for school, I just don't know how much I will be able to save in another month.

Update on 12/04/12

Now that it's winter I decided to update the list of accomplishments more. It was a very eventful summer and did most everything I wanted to. Best summer ever!

Dear Rachael,

Your question...well statement with an exclamation point, was:

My reply is:

This was in my fortune cookie on Friday:

And yes, I have been. Extremely lucky! Which is so not normal for me. Me? Lucky?
Oh shoot...does my fortune not come true if I tell people? Is this why I have been terminally blessed with bad luck? Because I share my wishes and such with people? 

So....tell you about my love life eh?

It's going pretty great actually. :)

Okay.... more like fabulous!

I know, I know...I'm being so vague. How about I make it up to you?

I'll make you a video about our Lagoon adventure we are going on next weekend! 

Good plan? Yes?

Oh, on a related note: I haven't taken any pictures, because I'm lame like that. But oh, there will be pictures.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

As of Lately...

Life has been great! :)

-maybe one day I'll tell you about it. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

How God Sees Women

‎"Woman is God’s supreme creation. Only after the earth had been formed, after the day had been separated from the night, after the waters had been divided from the land, after vegetation and animal life had been created, and after man had been placed on the earth, was woman created; and only then was the work pronounced complete and good. Of all the creations of the Almighty, there is none more beautiful, none more inspiring than a lovely daughter of God who walks in virtue with an understanding of why she should do so, who honors and respects her body as a thing sacred and divine, who cultivates her mind and constantly enlarges the horizon of her understanding, who nurtures her spirit with everlasting truth. God will hold us accountable if we neglect His daughters. He has given us a great and compelling trust. May we be faithful to that trust."


I am really loving this quote...and it's by President Hinckley which just makes it that much more powerful. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why My Last...

I have another blog topic suggestion! It's another dating topic. Honestly, I love talking about this stuff. I will even take questions. So if you have any questions or other topic ideas..submit it below. Anonymous or not.

To be honest, the first second after I read this I was like...oh great. Really? Because who doesn't know my story?! The answer was obvious after that; apparently this anonymous person doesn't. Most people who read my blog, know the story already. But that's just mostly because the ones who most read my blog are girls who I met through a facebook support group.

SO....funny story...I had again written a novel about this. Which would be about the 7th time. But you did not ask for a novel. You asked a simple question.

I literally had a huge long post written. It was super long...and I just deleted it all. 

This guy and I dated one week short of a year before he left on his mission.

We both changed a lot...for the better. 
He got home.
We broke up.

I moved on with life.

The waiting experience is something I will always cherish. I grew so much in the gospel and learned how to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I became the person I always thought I would be at this point in my life. I did it. I made it! I was successful. Did I get the guy? No. Am I super happy and loving my life right now? YES! Extremely. Life is going great for me. :)

Change is a great thing and I think we often forget that. I am so grateful for everything I've been through.

The gospel does amazing things for you all you have to do is put forth your best effort. :)

The whole spiritual side of this experience has seriously paved the way of my life. I have learned how to make the Savior my rock. 

Also, huge coincidence. My friend Alyse sends out spiritual thoughts through text message everyday. Seriously like just a minute ago this is the thought of the day. 

"The blessings and answers we desire most are often those we must wait for."

YES! YES! YES! If there were words to sum up the past 3.5 years of my life, these would be it. :)

I love this gospel. I love my Savior and Heavenly Father. I honestly am grateful for this experience. Change is a good thing. I embraced the changed and I allowed to gospel to do an amazing work in my life. All I had to do was try the best I could. :)

The relationship didn't work out, because we changed, and that's great! :) I'm happy. I'm grateful. 

You all amaze me. You're all great. I sincerely appreciate the time you take reading all I have to say. It seriously means so much to me. :)

Life is going so well. I am so happy! :D

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Many moons ago, I wrote a blog post asking for reader suggestions. You can actually view that post here. For the sake of preventing rambling, here is a screenshot of what this reader desires to hear from me.

(click on it to make it easier to read)

My dear anonymous reader,

I would like to take this moment to inform you that you telling me straight up that you are a girl, only simply makes me infer that you are indeed, a guy. Unless you can tell me who you are, I will think you are a guy. I kind of just get this feeling that a girl wouldn't ask me to write this kind of topic. But who can be too sure right? So for the sake of staying politically correct, I will respect your choice of remaining anonymous and must go along with the fact that you are a girl. No matter how much I want to assume you are a guy. You want me to write about the perfect guy. Okay...I just have one thing to say to you....have fun reading...because heaven only knows what might spew from my fingertips. ;)


I love you anonymous reader, but this topic literally makes me want to puke. Okay, maybe only figuratively. 

I don't want a perfect guy. For, I am not a perfect girl. However, there are qualities and traits the right guy for me will have.

To play off your comment though, yeah I would for sure love to learn how to swing dance..that's actually one of the reasons why I love Jazz music so much. I just have this silly little dream inside my head everytime I listen to jazz music that a handsome man whom I adore teaches me swing dancing. Silly right? Perhaps, but I dream to swing. :)

As for a list of what qualties and traits I seek out in a man, keep reading. :)

1. Someone who takes care of himself in all aspects. This tells a lot about a man and the ability he will have to provide for a family one day.
2. Someone who will respect the moral boundaries I have set for myself. I don't make out or do any other arousing activity. It's dangerous and I'm not putting myself in that situation. I will kiss. Just not passionately. Yeah, I know...that makes me seem like a stick in the mud who doesn't know how to have fun.
3. I want a guy who listens to his brain over his heart. Hearts are easily decieved. When the heart and brain match up, it's a beautiful thing and can be very rare, and should be treated special. It's not too often the heart and brain get along.
4. Someone who can take me to the temple. Active in church. This is a really big one for me. Probably the biggest one of all. You see, for years my family has been inactive (me included). I've only barely been going back and it's been the best desicion I have ever made. My happiness and well being have greatly increased over the past 5 months. My family is still semi-inactive and it saddens me deeply. I want them to come much. None of this is to say I wouldn't date someone who is/was inactive. As long as they are trying to go back, that would be great. I would even help them. I have no place to judge on someone's inactivity, when I was for years. An effort goes along way. This gospel amazes me every single day and I want to be with someone who thinks the same. :)
5. I want someone who sees long term with me. Not just a temporary girl. I'm not into flings. I'm into relationships. On a side note, relationships are only as meaningful as the couple works to make it. Relationships take lots of work, and I want to be with someone who is willing to make that effort with me. Enough of the 50/50 crap. Each partner has to put in 100%.
6. Someone who is just as comfortable being active with me as they are being lazy with me. I want someone who is fine with a day of hiking one day, to a movie marathon the next. 
7. If you can cook, it's a plus. But it's not one of the top priorities. It's actually probably very last on the list.
8. A gentleman. Yeah, this is one of those ones that I consider very important. Being a gentleman isn't just being one around me, it's being one ALWAYS. Especially when I am not in your prescence. 
9. Someone who can play with me! I'm a playful person...very. Not only is it fun, but it's also one of my coping methods. 
10. Someone who will love me in the moments of weakness I will have. The weakness will vary, but if I have a strong support behind me holding me and loving me, that weakness can become a strength.
11. Handsome.....duh!
12. Willing to work as a team...always! (One of those important ones)
13. Someone who will wait for the right moment to say "I love you"
14. Someone who loves the person he is! This one is also important. You can't love another until you learn to love yourself. One the same note, you can't learn to fully love yourself until you recognize you are a child of God, and live according to that. Let me just say, it's done amazing things to my life.
15. Respect me. Hold me. Adore me. Cherish me. Love me. If you do all that, those things will be returned to you by me. :)
16. Someone who can accept my opinions. Relationships are about being able to see both sides.
17. Someone who can support the desires I have. Again, you do this, and I will do the same for you. It just sort of works that way simultaneously.
18. A man who knows what he wants in life.
19. Someone who enjoys Disneyland, or someone who willing to learn to enjoy it.
20. Someone who can be my best friend. What a privledge it would be to love and be loved by your best friend. 
21. Someone who isn't afraid to tell me they are falling in love with me. Chances are, if you are feeling that way, so am I.

So, my ever so wonderful anonymous reader, how was that? I hope you are satisfied.

One thing I understand about love:

Rarely does love ever feel like a fairytale. Fairytales are fantasy. When we wish fairytales for ourselves, we often don't realize that what we have is better than a fantasy, because it's real. 

Don't get me wrong, that's not the only thing I understand about love. I am going to school to become a marriage counselor after all.

Have a nice night. :)