Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why My Last...

I have another blog topic suggestion! It's another dating topic. Honestly, I love talking about this stuff. I will even take questions. So if you have any questions or other topic ideas..submit it below. Anonymous or not.

To be honest, the first second after I read this I was like...oh great. Really? Because who doesn't know my story?! The answer was obvious after that; apparently this anonymous person doesn't. Most people who read my blog, know the story already. But that's just mostly because the ones who most read my blog are girls who I met through a facebook support group.

SO....funny story...I had again written a novel about this. Which would be about the 7th time. But you did not ask for a novel. You asked a simple question.

I literally had a huge long post written. It was super long...and I just deleted it all. 

This guy and I dated one week short of a year before he left on his mission.

We both changed a lot...for the better. 
He got home.
We broke up.

I moved on with life.

The waiting experience is something I will always cherish. I grew so much in the gospel and learned how to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I became the person I always thought I would be at this point in my life. I did it. I made it! I was successful. Did I get the guy? No. Am I super happy and loving my life right now? YES! Extremely. Life is going great for me. :)

Change is a great thing and I think we often forget that. I am so grateful for everything I've been through.

The gospel does amazing things for you all you have to do is put forth your best effort. :)

The whole spiritual side of this experience has seriously paved the way of my life. I have learned how to make the Savior my rock. 

Also, huge coincidence. My friend Alyse sends out spiritual thoughts through text message everyday. Seriously like just a minute ago this is the thought of the day. 

"The blessings and answers we desire most are often those we must wait for."

YES! YES! YES! If there were words to sum up the past 3.5 years of my life, these would be it. :)

I love this gospel. I love my Savior and Heavenly Father. I honestly am grateful for this experience. Change is a good thing. I embraced the changed and I allowed to gospel to do an amazing work in my life. All I had to do was try the best I could. :)

The relationship didn't work out, because we changed, and that's great! :) I'm happy. I'm grateful. 

You all amaze me. You're all great. I sincerely appreciate the time you take reading all I have to say. It seriously means so much to me. :)

Life is going so well. I am so happy! :D


  1. Love your answer. What is the gospel?

  2. I was hoping for a simple definition from you. But that is ok.

    1. Are you the one who asked me what the gospel is?

      Or are you the one who asked my why my last relationship ended?

  3. How will you balance your religious beliefs when you become a marriage counselor? Will you be able to help people who have different morals than you?


Say nice things to me. :)