Monday, November 5, 2012

I don't get it.

I am taking a break form multiplying radicals to let you all know that I am frustrated! Yeah, I haven't blogged in a long time and was waiting for the perfect moment to write a new post. Well, there couldn't be a more perfect time than now. I am so frustrated. Though I wish there could have been another perfect time, I guess this is the one I drew from the hat.

Why am I frustrated? Oh ya know..starving college student who can't afford next semester's rent, textbooks, or food, and has been searching from a job since day -14ish. That's right! I've been looking for a job since before this school semester started. I've applied at who knows how many places. I've only gotten two interviews out of that. Which I don't really understand. I've had two jobs since I turned 16. One I had for just over 4 years and the other one for just over a year. I even had two jobs at once for a period of time. I'm very good at scheduling my time and I am a quick learner. But yet, somehow this isn't good enough to clean bathrooms or be a teacher's assistant. Which I do not even begin to slightly understand.

Maybe it's just me, but I thought it took qualifications and experience to get a job. I thought that the whole point of college was to obtain education in order to find a job. If I can't even get some dinky little job grading student's papers using a grading key, or better yet, cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming buildings than why I am continuing this endeavor? Is college not centered towards education for work? Seems more bureaucratic to me than anything else.

I am at a loss for patience with this. Where's the jobs Obama "created"? What use is my education being put to? I know I am still going to be unemployed at the end of my schooling because all the under qualified people get the job I am qualified for. I work hard. I do what needs to be done. I will not go into debt for my education. I need a job to pay for housing, tuition, books, and food! I am always searching for a job in the small less than 1% chance that I might actually find one.

Now, back to solving my radicals in miniscule hope that this might actually benefit me one day.

1 comment:

  1. Alix, don't stress too much about going into debt for an education, as bad as it sucks, it is one of two things that the prophets have told us it is okay to go into debt for. I will have a ton of debt by the time I graduate, but that's okay, because we have been told to get a good education and learn all we can. Being frugal and working hard to support yourself is a good thing, but if it comes down to going into debt, or not getting an education, I think every prophet out there would tell you to get the education.


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